A little while back, I started a photo journal, where I would take a picture every day for a year and write about that day, Then when I look back I can see my physical and emotional changes. So I decided to share it on here. I'll slowly get up to spead with them. Here's the first week:

Day one
Mood: Tired, Indifferent, Excited
I though it was wise to start on Valentines day, because one: It's easy to remember, and two: It marks one of the best days :) Though, actually, this valentines day for me was mostly spent on a bus, on my way to North Bay to get picked up and brought to Temis where I would immediately be dropped off at the arena to watch my sister Emily play hockey. What a day :) ...oh yeah, and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY<3
*Je t'adore, je t'adore

Day Two
Mood: Happy, Content
Today I got to wear my new birthday outfit :) Except the zipper broke :( So now I need to get it fixed. Anyway, I celebrated my 19th birthday with my family today. It was funn, I had some chocolate brownies, YUM. Be jealous.
*Lights will guide you home.

Day Three
Mood: nostalgic, Happy
Had a photoshoot with my sisters today! What fun. We finished the night by watching old family vedios. I hadn't realized what a wierd kid I was until then. Oh my.
*So I got a question, do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?

Day Four
Mood: Bored
I felt a little out of my element today, and a little bit adventurous. I think this photo speaks for itself. I'm now in Mattawa , but everyone is either working or at school, so I'm quite bored. I'm going to try and finish Rebel Angels today.
*You're black and white needs a little bit of red.
Day Five
Mood: Hopeful
I've got contacts again :) Only temporary, to see what I've been reacting to. I think it's the solution, since I don't use it with these and my eyes haven't been red at all. We'll see. I stole Ally's shirt for the day; it makes me happy cuz it's yellow ;) I like to call this tree of my mothers: the tree of life. Just because.
*& the sky never so blue
Day Six
Mood: Excited
I went to FJ (my old high school) today. It was great seeing everyone, even the teachers. It was fun catching up... made me miss high school and carnival a little bit (even though they're carnival sucked this year). But it was fun none the less. And now my sisters are coming down for the weekend :) Great day<3
*She listens like spring and she talks like June

Day Seven
Mood: Happy, yet a little sad
Today is my last full day at home, I'm headed back to Ottawa tomorrow. I had a great day with my friends, and I'm a little reluctant to head back, though I know I'll have fun and be happy to see everyone there too. But anyway, it was a very good day :)
*you and me and my medication
very kool idea! (photo journal)